I have been commissioned by Steffi Claiden, Founder/Editor-in-Chief of the Family Office Review, to write a series of six articles.

The first, A Career Independent of Wealth: Why Bother and How To Develop One appeared in the 20th February edition of the Family Office Review. @FamilyOfficeRev @SteffiClaiden

A Career Independent of Wealth: Why Bother and How To Develop One
This column will be a six-part series throughout the course of 2013 on the relationship management model. Several years ago I was asked by Coutts Bank, one of the main banks for high net worth clients in the UK, to give a series of workshops on career management aimed at the so called “Next Generation”. I approached this with some apprehension as, to my shame, I had a prejudice that these young people in their early twenties, who were to inherit significant wealth in due course, would be reluctant attendees press-ganged by their parents, and would be indifferent at best and bored at worst, with the subject matter. I was wrong and humbled by their earnest interest in understanding how they could carve out meaningful careers for themselves independent of their wealth.